Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Brightcove Launching AfterMix - Pulls Ahead of YouTube?

First UGC site that lets users use copyrighted contents. How do they deal with revenue sharing? How do they track the use of pieces of video content? Would be good to know.


The video platform Brightcove is trying to make moves into YouTube’s consumer-facing territory: as part of that venture, they’re expected to launch Aftermix (closed beta coming in a few weeks), a tool that lets users borrow professional video clips and incorporate them into into their own productions.

Aftermix also allows you to record clips directly from your webcam, making them instantly available for mixing. This is all done without a download, of course, and sound tracks, voice overs and timelines are all part of the package. The interface is all draggy-and-droppy (yes, those are the technical terms), and your finished video is published to Brightcove.
On the technology front at least, you could argue that Brightcove is moving ahead of YouTube - it’ll soon combine YouTube-like video sharing (albeit with a “channel” structure) with a remixing toolset that’s not too dissimilar to Jumpcut and Eyespot. The title is hyperbolic, of course, because Brightcove will never have the large community that forms YouTube’s greatest asset. But I’m sure we can expect YouTube to investigate remixing soon - it’s a natural next step.

Brightcove’s Jeremy Allaire, meanwhile, points out that Brightcove differentiates itself because of the way it’s working with commercial partners and professional content creators: these providers can create “Asset Bins” that include video, audio and photos, and make this media available to users for remixing. In other words: TV networks and music labels can make their content spread virally, while users get access to licensed content for their remixes.